Article 1224

Title of the article

The implementation of an application-driven functional architecture of a peer-to-peer distributed computing system defined by conceptual and logical models of artificial intelligence. II. The declarative-imperative and logical-algebraic approaches 


Vladimir I. Volchikhin, Doctor of engineering sciences, professor, president of Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia), E-mail:
Nadezhda S. Karamysheva, Candidate of engineering sciences, associate professor of the sub-department of computer engineering, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia), E-mail:
Maksim A. Mitrokhin, Doctor of engineering sciences, associate professor, head of the sub-department of computer engineering, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia), E-mail:
Sergey A. Zinkin, Doctor of engineering sciences, professor, professor of the sub-department of computer engineering, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia), E-mail: 


Background. Currently, there is an intensive search for solutions in the field of creating infrastructure for network applications, for example, for the decentralized Internet based on several main technologies: blockchain, machine learning, Semantic Web and Internet of Things. The possibility of organizing the infrastructure of the decentralized Internet, or Distributed Web – DWeb, in the form of a peer-to-peer (P2P) network, the nodes of which are user devices, is being considered. The aim of this work is to study one of the approaches to the practical implementation of the application-driven functional architecture of the ADFA-DCS (Application-Driven Functional Architecture of Distributed Computing System), defined by conceptual and logical artificial intelligence models. Materials and methods. A new functional architecture of the DCS is proposed, which is determined by the application, the implementation of which differs from the known ones in that the operation of the application is preliminarily determined by the executable model – the conceptual Petri net graph. Then a structure is formed that specifies the logic of the application, and on its basis a distributed control program is generated. This principle makes it possible to implement arbitrary distributed algorithms without significant costs for reprogramming the application. The authors of this work believe that the concept of a distributed network with the proposed architecture is in good agreement with the platform of geographically distributed corporate networks SD-WAN (Software Defined Wide Area Network), the construction of which implements a fundamentally new approach to network management. Results. The proposed functional architecture is implemented on a global (WAN) or local area network platform (LAN), on which the logical system architecture of a distributed computing system is defined. To implement the system architecture of the DCS under consideration, technologies close to peer-to-peer technology were selected. The process of programming a distributed application is accompanied by the use of message and data transfer functions, searching for data in tables, copies of which are located on all nodes of the P2P network, and the implementation of operators performing functions for which the created network DCS was intended. 

Key words

distributed computing systems, P2P computing, functional architecture, local and global network technologies, hybrid P2P networks, declarative-imperative model, conceptual logical Petri net, formalization of declarative-imperative and logical-algebraic models of distributed computing 

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For citation:

Volchikhin V.I., Karamysheva N.S., Mitrokhin M.A., Zinkin S.A. The implementation of an application-driven functional architecture of a peer-to-peer distributed computing system defined by conceptual and logical models of artificial intelligence. II. The declarative-imperative and the logical-algebraic approaches. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Povolzhskiy region. Tekhnicheskie nauki = University proceedings. Volga region. Engineering sciences. 2024;(2):5–31. (In Russ.). doi: 10.21685/2072-3059-2024-2-1


Дата создания: 04.10.2024 11:11
Дата обновления: 17.10.2024 14:32
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